A resume is the first introduction to you as a designer and potential employee so it’s important to make sure you make a great impression! Here are some creative ways to spice up your resume and nail that dream job.
1. Create a Resume Infographic
Infographics are the perfect mixture of information and design. So what better way to show your future boss how creative you are then to design one as your resume? Consider how to design the flow of information so that any recruiter can quickly scan it and know who you are immediately. Make important facts they should know stand out with vibrant colors, and incorporate charts or diagrams to help visualize your work experience.

2. Just Change the Header
If you’re a little nervous about pushing the design, consider the role your header plays in the attitude and overall vibe of your resume. Does it come off as professional, run of the mill, or just plain old safe? Stay away from boring fonts like Arial and Helvetica and see which fonts best suit your name and job title.
Let’s take this basic header for instance. See how uninteresting it is?
Now let’s add a cool font style, with a picture, and simple banner to match. Voila! Instantly you set yourself apart from the rest with the right typography.
3. Include a Picture or Mascot
But who are you…really? Sometimes the best way for people to get familiar with you is to let them see you. Attach a small picture to your resume so that they know who you are the minute you walk in the door. The only downside to this is that you have to be really careful about the picture you choose. So make sure you pick a well lit photo of you with a clean appearance and a welcoming expression. No grumpy faces or dark selfies allowed!
However, if you’re a little shy about your appearance, feel free to include a mascot or cartoon instead. Again, make sure to follow the general aesthetics of your brand and keep the design appropriate for its purpose.

4. Follow Your Brand
If you’re a designer or artist, you’ll probably have a website that the interviewer can visit too. So consider creating a resume that follows along the colors, font, and overall design aesthetics of your established brand. Be smart about everything! Your resume is a reflection of your design skills after all, and anything that doesn’t follow your brand can appear disjointed and unorganized. Prove you know the importance of branding and uniformity by incorporating it into your resume design.
5. Print on Color Paper
In a pile of resumes will yours stand out? This tip is great for last minute job submissions. Simply print your resume on brightly colored stock paper at a weight slightly heavier than normal printer paper. The combination of the heavier stock and the bright color will make it impossible to forget you. Not only that, but this allows you to beef up any basic resume while still leaving an impact.
So which color represents you? Just make sure the color isn’t too bright and that the text is still legible. You don’t want to blind the interviewer, so experiment to discover which color best suits your resume.
In ten seconds or less, your resume can make or break your shot at the job of your dreams. Make a lasting impression by designing a creative resume to land you the job.
Have any more creative resume ideas? Let us know in the comments!