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Create A Glowing Sphere In An Inverted Image

Learn how you can create an interesting image by adding in some simple Photoshop effects and by inverting its colors! Inverting an image can sometimes produce unexpected results, and in this tutorial, you’ll learn and practice Filters – Liquify, Blur and Lens Flare tools to create additional effects and elements to make it more stunning.Before After

Part 1 – Step 1 Open the Futuristic Girl image and duplicate the layer. Image ID: 3108466 © Andrejs Pidjass

Step 2 Next, open the Embryo image. Make a selection of the Embryo using Magic Tool (W), go to Select > Modify > Contract and set pixels to 2. Image ID: 389528 © Evgeniy Meyke

Then, go to Select > Feather > Radius: 2 to smoothen the edge of selection.

When you are done, bring the Embryo selection to the Futuristic Girl working space.

Step 3 Use Transform Tool (Ctrl+T) to transform the size of the embryo and flip it horizontally.

Step 4 Now, hide the Embryo layer and duplicate the Futuristic Girl layer again.

Go to Layer 1, make a round selection on the metal ball using the Marquee Tool (L), set the Feather Radius to 5 and then, add a vector mask to it.

Step 6 Bring the Embryo layer under the two Futuristic Girl layers.

Next, add a layer mask for Layer 1 Copy and invert it by clicking Ctrl + Backspace. Use the Brush Tool (B) to bring out the model’s fingers if it’s blocked by the Embryo.

Step 7 Go to Adjustment Layer > Curve and do the necessary color correction on the Embryo.

Once changed (in this case, to red), brush clean any excessive color around the embryo before merging the layers together.

Part 2 – Step 8 We will create the glowing ball effect now. Open a new document at 500×700 and fill it in black. Duplicate the background layer and name it as Effects.

Step 9 Go to Filter > Render > Lens Flare. Choose a 105mm Prime, set the brightness to 100 and position the flare to the center.

Next, go to Image > Adjustments > Color Balance and follow the settings as shown below (or change it according to your own preference):

Step 10 Duplicate the Effects layer, then go to Filter > Liquify. Go to Twirl Clockwise tool and enter the settings as shown in the diagram below. Create a twirl on the duplicated flare.

Step 11 Create another new blank layer and name it Ray. Draw lines (color to your preference) over the layer using Brush Tool.

Go to Filter > Liquify > Twirl Clockwise and follow the settings as shown below.

Step 12 Next, go to Filter > Blur > Radius Blur. Set the method to Zoom and quality to Good. Then, shift the Radius Blur Center near to the right side corner in the preview box.

Step 13 Now, choose an appropriate Brush and brush size from the brush palette. I chose Natural Brushes > Spray to help create the effect below.

Step 14 Go to Filter >Liquify > Twirl Clockwise and follow the settings below to create this next effect.

Part 3 – Step 15 Double click or right click the Brush Layer to enter Blending Options. Adjust the Outer Glow and settings as shown in the diagram below. When all is done, create a group folder and put all these layers into it before bringing it to the Futuristic Girl working space.

Step 16 Hide the Glowingball Effects Group layer and work on Layer 1 Copy (Futuristic Girl) first. Invert the image by clicking Ctrl + I or go to Image > Adjusments > Invert.

Next, mask out the embryo to so that its color is not affected by the inversion we just did.

Step 17 Now for the Glowing ball, set Group 1 Layer’s blend mode to Screen. Add a vector mask to Group 1 layer and slowly mask out the fire, bursts and rays of the Glowing ball that we have just created.

Duplicate the whole group layer to enhance the effects of the Glowingball. This time however, you can erase or mask different parts of the ray randomly for better results.

Next, duplicate Group 1 layer again, flip it horizontally and transform it to the position that you like.

Part 4 – Step 18 Open the last image, an Abstract background and bring it into the Futuristic Girl working space. Set the Blend Mode to Screen and erase the edges to blend it into the image. Image ID: 3080527 © Ivan Piven

Step 19 Feel free to play around with the color adjustment, filters and blending options, or add in more elements to get the best results.

It is finally done! Good luck trying!

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