Let’s face it – working in any industry can be tricky, especially when it comes to the lack of enthusiasm and inspiration that tends to appear from time to time. In contrast to this, being creative and cultivating creativity is crucial for anyone’s development – just like it is crucial for our evolution. Every time we stifle creativity in favor of what is practical and dynamic, our passions are overlooked, the purpose is lost, and we end up suffering.

Guys, this wall behind me is empty, just like my purpose-free soul. Help.
One wise man has once said “Creativity is the greatest act of rebellion” because it demands courage, imagination and original thinking. To be creative, we have to call upon our intuition and trust it.
Below, we have compiled the 10 best techniques that will help you stay creative and make most of doing what you love.
So, are you ready to overcome the mundane working and shake things up a bit? Here is what you need to do to get your creative juices flowing.
Keep an idea journal with you all the time

I … wow. I thought of this idea last week?! I’m amazing. Such genius.
They say that the smartest people are the ones who write things down. Plus, writing down uninhibited thoughts early in the morning when you wake up can jump-start your creativity. The truth is, brilliant ideas can come at any point of the day, and it is up to you to write them and stay creative.
Try meditation

Om … enter the creative zone …
Meditation can be a great way to clear your mind and stay creative. Even five to ten minutes a day is enough to start with. You can get in tune with your inner spirit and allow yourself to hear the divine ideas that are meant for you. The best part, however, is the fact that it can also help you achieve mindfulness.
Get moving

Get a six-pack without having to endure crunches? We’re in.
It can be walking, jogging, riding your bike or swimming. The idea is to get moving, exercise and get your blood pumping. According to studies, this can positively impact your creative juices and help you stay creative at all times.
Break your routine

Linda, we’re crushing this meeting!
Every person is a creature of habit. Sometimes, doing the same things over and over can dull your mind. That is why you need to break your routine and all the monotony and start doing things a little different.
Create your custom ‘stay creative’ playlist

Did you hear that? That’s the sound of creativity!
Even though many people think that silence is the best sound for creative thinking, you can sometimes unwind and explore the variety of ambient songs which have been proven to be perfect for improving creative thinking. So, while silence can help you sharpen your focus – creative thinking requires an ambient buzz of sound that you might explore on your own.
Make connections

We are connecting in the most connective way to connect in this era of connectivity.
Another great way to stay creative is to always make connections between your existing ideas. This can be exciting because it will make creativity less scary for you and connect the things that already exist. Even Steve Jobs agrees with the above mentioned, and once stated the following:
“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something.”
Travel abroad

If you forgot to pack something, just wing it. Life’s full of surprises!
One study conducted on college students proved that traveling abroad helps people stay creative and pushes forward the creative thinking. It is definitely wise to step out of your comfort zone, get lost and travel abroad (even if you are a solo traveler). Seeing the things from another perspective will also help you develop your mind.
Blue and green can help you stay creative

Ooooo … colors!
Color me surprised, right?
It is found that a brief glimpse of green can improve your creative performance – just like red and blue, which can have different effects on your cognitive performance. While red helps with the detail-oriented tasks, blue enhances the creative performance.
Try a task management tool

I gotta do some work, work, work, work, work.
If you are struggling to maintain your organization levels and that affects your creative thinking, you can try a task management tool like Trello – which can help you prioritize tasks, stay creative and focused.
Don’t push your limits

Here’s to a chill day, people!
At the end of the day, tackling too many things robs you of your energy and creativity. Most importantly, it leads to mediocre products. So, the only way to stand out of the noise is to do remarkable work – which requires assigning more attention, energy, resources, and care to a core set of projects.
We hope that these tips will help you stay creative and make most of your tasks! Good luck!
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