RF Image Submission Requirements
Photos must have a resolution of no less than 6 megapixels and a file size that does not exceed 30MB
Photos must be in JPEG format and in minimum 80% quality compression
Photos must NOT contain company names, product names, recognizable brands, date or trademarked designs
Copyrighted keywords and camera brand used to shoot the images must NOT be included in the description or keywords field
Photos with model(s) must be accompanied by valid Model Release form(s)
Photos taken in exclusive venues must be accompanied by a valid Property Release form
The system supports automated IPTC info retrieval. IPTC should contain a caption (description) and keywords. The fields will be left empty if no information is available
ED Image Submission Requirements
Photos must have a resolution of no less than 6 megapixels and a file size that does not exceed 30MB
Photos must be in JPEG format and in minimum 80% quality compression
Cloning, montaging or adding photos to the original picture is not allowed
Minor cropping, sharpening and contrast & brightness adjustments are permitted
Please ensure that the description is in editorial format. Refer to Guide to Describing Editorial Content if unsure
Camera brand used to shoot the images must NOT be included in the description or keywords field
The system supports automated IPTC info retrieval. IPTC should contain a caption (description) and keywords. The fields will be left empty if no information is available
Vector Illustration Submission Requirements
Please ensure that both file formats (JPEG and EPS) for each image bear the same file name. For example, illustration001.jpg and illustration001.eps
Please ensure the JPG file is at a minimum of 1600×1600 in width & height or larger and in minimum 80% quality compression
Photos must be in JPEG format and in minimum 80% quality compression
Illustrations should NOT contain company names, product names, recognizable brands, date or trademarked designs
Copyrighted keywords must NOT be included in the description or keywords field
Please save the EPS file to be compatible with Illustrator 8 and do not flatten the file as we require ALL layers to be present
The system supports automated IPTC info retrieval. IPTC should contain a caption (description) and keywords. The fields will be left empty if no information is available
Uploading Your Photos
We have two options for you to upload your photos to 123RF.com:
OPTION 1: Via our Web Form Uploader – best for a small number of files (below 10 files)
OPTION 2: Using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) account – best for a large number of files
Option 1: Web Form Uploader
Login to 123RF.com.
Access the Contributor’s Dashboard by clicking on your Username at the top right button and clicking on Contributor Dashboard.

Click on the “Upload Content” button and select Photos / Illustrations

Drag and drop your image or select it by browsing

Once your image has been uploaded, it will appear on the right section. If your image fails, it will appear on the left with the reason it failed to upload.
Scroll to the bottom, tick the “Agreement” box, and click on “Agree and Proceed”

Your file will appear in the “Draft” section, where you can add Descriptions and Keywords to complete your uploads.

Option 2: FTP Upload
Launch and connect to your FTP

A) Connect to:
Host: ftp.123rf.com
Username: Your 123RF Account Username
Password: Your 123RF Account Password
B) Local site: Where your files are located
C) Remote site: Where your files will be uploaded
D) This is where you can check on the status of your uploads, whether they are: Queued, Failed, or Completed
Drag and drop your images from section B (Local site) to section C (Remote site). Your uploads will begin and you will see the progress in section D. Please refer to the image above.
Once your images have been uploaded, you will see them in section C (Remote site).

Login to 123RF.com.
Access the Contributor’s Dashboard by clicking on your Username at the top right button and clicking on Contributor Dashboard.

Click on the “Upload Content” button and select Photos / Illustrations.

Click on the “Upload Via FTP” button in the FTP Upload section

Your content will appear on the next page on the right section. If your image fails, it will appear on the left with the reason it failed to upload.
Scroll to the bottom, tick the “Agreement” box, and click on “Agree and Proceed”
Your file will appear in the “Draft” section, where you can add Descriptions and Keywords to complete your uploads.
Completing Your Submissions

Once your images are done processing, it’ll appear in the Manage Content page where you can add Descriptions and Keywords to complete your uploads.
There are 4 tabs in your Manage Media page:
Draft – Shows recently uploaded content, insert keywords and descriptions here
Pending – Content pending for review
Rejected – Content reviewed and rejected
Accepted – Content reviewed and accepted
If your image needs a Model or Property Release, you can access them in the Manage Releases on the left tab. Alternatively, check out our written guide for an in-depth explanation.