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Learn About Color Theory In Under 2 Minutes

Color is used in every aspect of the industry including advertising,  print, art, decor, fashion and many others. It is something that we consider from the time we plan our work to the execution and final revisions made. Thus, it is always good to know the basics of color theory, which is a guidance of color mixing and combinations.

But don’t worry, we wouldn’t be boring you down with an endless tirade of explanations and concepts. Thanks to motion graphic artist, Rhea Lelina Manglapus, you can now watch a short under 2 mins video that segments the color theory into mini, easily understood segments.

Some highlights in the video include the basic overview of primary, secondary and tertiary colors, cool and warm hues of the color wheel, understanding value and monochromatic. Do watch it and be inspired!

Color Theory 123RF stock photos
Color Theory 123RF stock photos

Photo Credits: diyphotography

A Brief Lesson on Color Theory from Rhea Lelina Manglapus on Vimeo.

It’s fascinating how simple colors can make a big difference in everything we do. Now that we’ve taken a brief look on color theory, you can try browsing through Color Matcher in order to get a better idea of how to mix & match colors to get the desired effect, all for the price of $0.

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