Has your business taken the leap into the world of e-commerce yet? With more and more shoppers displaying urgent buying behavior and prioritizing convenience amid the pandemic, there’s no denying the customer experience has shifted toward a more digital front. As e-commerce continues to expand and grow, online businesses see sales surge with the impact the Covid-19 outbreak has on everyone globally. Our lives post-pandemic will definitely have monumental changes, and if your business hasn’t already prepared for that, it’s best to have a plan moving forward.
Worldwide, slashed resources and shriveled marketing budgets are inevitable challenges marketers are facing. In turn, the average consumer seems to have jumped on the trend of keeping a tight fist on their spending money. But with activity on online channels seeing a sharp incline, brands are naturally leaning more towards boosting engagement and conversions digitally. Brands everywhere are on tenterhooks – what’s next?

Photo by Dmitrii Shironosov, 123RF.
These are the post-pandemic e-commerce marketing trends to look out for:
Building brands with an authentic human connection
More authentic conversations between brands and customers
Brand exposure acceleration via affiliate marketing
Solid consumer trust in products and services to boost better-informed buying decisions (testimonials, micro-influencer brand promotion)
Brands being nudged to re-evaluate whether their products are a necessity or a nice-to-have
A possible emergence in demand of small tech companies that supply e-commerce services to small businesses
A closer look at real-time consumer insights to help map out universal customer journeys, both online and offline
Trending visuals have always been the main marketing ingredient for campaigns and promotions. Brands can expect to see a surge in performance should they choose to connect in a more honest and transparent way with customers. Now, brands are forced to pivot their marketing directions toward a much more human-driven element. When we’re stripped of our corporate settings that offices are known to cultivate, everyone appears much more human – and humanity is what consumers are embracing.
Now is the time to embrace the situation and align marketing messages with current consumer needs. Marketers making the shift toward transparency and trust as a brand’s core tenets can spark success in adjusting consumer outreach.
Creative tech has always been a perfect fit and gone hand-in-hand with digital marketing, particularly when it comes to campaign creation. Brands that offer online editing software and creative services can leverage on this further with the demand increase for these digital supplies. Think easy-to-use, readily available online creative software like Pixlr X, Logomaker, and Graphicmaker from Inmagine’s creative ecosystem.

Photo by rawpixel, 123RF.
There’s no doubt Covid-19 has had a big impact on consumer behaviors, particularly when it comes to purchasing online. Now, we see e-commerce demands paving the path for a higher increase in automation, with many businesses choosing to virtualize communication and work processes. In short, retail as we know it has been reset and will continue to morph over the coming months. That’s it for our prediction on e-commerce marketing trends in the online business industry. Click the following links to read more on what the future holds for e-commerce as well as how to start your own e-commerce business if you are a beginner.