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Top 10 Most Shared Content on Social Media

In a world that will spawn over 3 billion Internet users this year, as forecasted by eMarketer, it’s now more crucial to know what types of content will be seen, read and shared. So where does this leave us marketers and social media fanatics alike?

People like, re-tweet, comment and promote content because they like what they see and it is contextually relevant to their lifestyle, values or beliefs. While we may create awesome content online, sometimes it fails to resonate with our audience. The common mistake here is not the content itself, but a lack of understanding for the people who are exposed to our content everyday.

Out of the millions of content uploaded on social media, images take the heavyweight of most shared content at 43% with over 1.8 billion uploads a day. That says a lot. With the clutter online, time sifting through news feeds are now measured in seconds. That is how long you have to attract the eye and get that valuable interaction. Of course, figuring out what works and tapping into your audience’s preferences takes time. We have compiled a list of social media content ideas to spur you on in your content creation journey. But remember, every organization or individual is different so always monitor and evaluate the performance of your content and find the right strategy that works for you.

1. Quote Graphics

As cliché as it sounds, inspirational quotes are widely shared on Facebook because people like feeling motivated and empowered, and most importantly they want others to know how they feel or what they believe in. Before you post, always check for 3 things: the quote, font, and imagery. Find a shorter quote with a readable font and use an image that resonates with the text.

2. Heart-warming

Emotions are what gets people and it is best shown in a subtle manner. When a feeling is well captured, it can cultivate a flood of responses such as a worn soldier coming home after months in the army or the exchange of a beautiful friendship. Basically, anything that makes the heart go “Awwww…”

3. Well-thought landscapes

Who doesn’t like traveling and looking at breath-taking spots around the world? Scenic shots are always well received, especially when taken with a good camera or a smartphone with a wide-angle feature and at least 8MPs. You don’t have to be on vacation to take stunning shots, even just capturing your city’s night scene can be a “share trigger”.

4. Coffee

There’s something about the addictive factor of a cuppa’ Joe that makes it so popular on social media, even without the aroma! The trick is not just taking a picture of coffee but try to capture the sense, vibe and possibly a story of the cafe. Bonus if you can get a shot of the barista in action.

5. Feel of Colors

Colors can affect and change one’s mood and plays a huge role in the mind. Take a moment to ponder upon what you want to convey to your audience. Whether you want to take them down memory lane in a light blue shade or burst out into song with a vibrant red, be sure to establish the theme you’re building on and replicate it with the colors of your choice.

6. Self-Portrayal

This is not about spamming others with countless selfies in different poses and pouty lips. Treat yourself like a brand – who are you? what are you like? what are your unique points? For example, if you love taking photos, share a candid shot of you with a camera in hand. Just don’t overdo it like the women who end up laughing alone eating salads.

7. Cute Animals

Another “tugging-at-the-heartstrings” moment to share. When it comes to cuteness, there is nothing more adorable than these creatures with cute noses, fluffy faces and baby-like features. According to a research study in psychology, looking at cute puppies, for instance puts people in a good mood, leading to better visibility among social media clutter.

8. Joy & Happiness

Joy is the #1 trigger of emotions on Facebook, according to Fanpage Karma. When it comes to happiness,  you want spontaneity and originality. Plus, a highly infectious smile is what will entice your audience to click the “Like” button. Don’t force it or use unnecessary props, all you need is yourself having fun.

9. Originality

Everyone likes seeing original shots that are taken in a natural setting. Don’t forget, social media is a cluttered world where images are rehashed and shared over and over again so creating unique content is what will render you memorable and worth noticing. You don’t have to over-think it, just live in the moment and capture shots that you feel will mean something to your audience.

10. Action Shots

This type of image is harder to capture as the timing has to be just right but when it is timed perfectly, you’ve got a winning shot. The most popular in action posts is the typical “jumping in mid air” shot with various poses. Try something different to conceptualize your image, whether it is blurring the focus or creating shadows of the action instead.

What content garners the most shares or pins on your social media accounts? Share with us in the comments below!

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