Planning to use images from 123RF for your next creative project? We’re hyped you’re jumping on board with us. Before you dive into our vast collection of content, here’s our guide on choosing the right licenses for different stock images – and effectively skip the copyright drama.
Easily identify the stock license you’ll need with this simple infographic below!
In short, here’s when you can opt for a Standard License:
A Standard License allows you to use the content in all your personal, commercial and advertising projects.
And here’s when you should probably go for an Extended License:
An Extended License is required when you need the rights to resell a product that incorporates the content, or in an Editorial usage when the content is used for more than 500,000 aggregate print runs.
Just in case you’re unsure if your chosen image is an editorial one, it will look like this:

Look for the disclaimer beside the image that states “For Editorial Use Only.”
That’s basically the standard information for our stock licenses. If you need more of a guide, check out the summary of usages and license types page on 123RF. Interested in learning about our flexible pricing? This article will help you discover the best pricing plan to suit your budget.
For more information, reach out to us at 1300 889 123 or email us at